Friday, January 25, 2008

Non Traditional Family

Morgan and Glory are stray cats we took in. Morgan gave birth to 2 babies on Christmas, and Glory gave birth to one on January 5. Poor little Glory (the siamese) had no clue how to take care of her baby at first, so Morgan took it as her own. After a few days, Glory decided she wanted to be a mom. So our two mama kitties decided to form a parenting co-op. They take turns nursing all 3 babies, and give each other breaks. They cuddle and coo at each other. They spend their time together. They are a family.


Jess said...

aww thats so cute!
i have a bunch of kitties that live in the downstairs garden and they all cuddle together like that

Lesley of Banana Pants Clothes said...

I have a big black cat named Chef and a Siamese named Jade that looks just like your Siamese. They are constantly cuddling and grooming each other. It's kitty love. :)