Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Roses and Pixies

Fairies, pixies, sprites, and other magical forest dwellers have been on my mind lately. When I was a child I used to imagine that they lived on the hill behind my school. I thought if I looked really hard and kept really quiet I might be lucky enough to spot one, if only for a moment. I never did, of course.

I love artwork of little woodland fairies dressed in acorn hats. Larger fairies and pixies cannot wear acorns, of course. That is what inspired my newest hat, which I just listed in the shop.

I also added a pretty pink rose colored hat, complete with some of my favorite antique buttons from my collection.

I went yarn shopping yesterday, and came home with a huge haul. The new skeins whisper to me, telling me what they want to be. So I'm off to grab my new to me antique hooks and make some pretties!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Non Traditional Family

Morgan and Glory are stray cats we took in. Morgan gave birth to 2 babies on Christmas, and Glory gave birth to one on January 5. Poor little Glory (the siamese) had no clue how to take care of her baby at first, so Morgan took it as her own. After a few days, Glory decided she wanted to be a mom. So our two mama kitties decided to form a parenting co-op. They take turns nursing all 3 babies, and give each other breaks. They cuddle and coo at each other. They spend their time together. They are a family.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We're not just soap!

I am a complete crafting nut. The soap is my main job, but I also like to dabble in other crafts. This week I have been obsessed with jewelry. More specifically, jewelry made with antique buttons.

I love old buttons. I love the way they look, the way they feel, the way they smell.... In my mind each button carries a story. Who owned this button? What adventures did this button (and it's wearer) go on? Who did this button meet? If only I could peek into the life the button lived. I also love to think about the women who took the time to meticulously cut these well loved buttons from treasured pieces of clothing and save them in cigar boxes and bell jars for future generations.

Here are a couple of the results of my jewelry making binge this week:

These one of a kind pieces are currently available in my shop

I have more trinkets in front of me, and they are begging to be turned into pretty wearables.

Have a lovely evening!

Monday, January 14, 2008

No rest for the wicked!

Since opening the store, we decided to take one day off a week. On Mondays we have decided to stay home, no going to the shop, no working on the shop, etc. That has turned out to be much harder than it sounds. Sure, the house needs to be cleaned and there are books to be read, etc. But there are also new soap fragrances to test out, soaps to be made, new product research to do, ideas to follow through on....... and all of those things are much more fun. Besides, my daughter is in school until 3, and this would be the perfect time to (fill in the blank with something store related).
Do other new store owners have this same problem? Actually I would not call it a problem. I can stop any time. Just let me test one more fragrance first.......

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Skin in 2008!

The start of the new year is always a time of setting goals and resolutions, and we know many of you have resolved to feel and look healthier in 2008. Great skin should be part of that resolution!

Different skins need different care. Take a few moments to look at your skin in a mirror. Are your pores large and noticable? Do you have dry, flaky patches? A few, or a lot, of breakouts? What would you change about your skin?

Proper skin care is actually quite simple, if you have the right tools for the job.

Dry and aging skin needs moisture and nourishment. We think our Carrot line is wonderful for this purpose. Carrot seed oil contains vitamin A in large dosages in the form of beta carotene. This helps to keep your skin's elasticity, which prevents sagging. It keeps your skin firm and radiant. It also helps with sun damage and is anti-aging. The presence of carotenoids is said to help reduce skin damage due to ultra violet rays. Everything in our Carrot line contains a bit of shea butter, which we believe to be nature's best moisturizer. You can find our full carrot line here.

Tomorrow we will talk about blemish prone and oily skin. We have solutions for that too!

Here's to the best you in 2008!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Consignment Opportunity

I wanted to make mention that we are still accepting goods on consignment. I am desperately needing herbal wall hangings, such as wreaths and sprays. I would also love to find someone who does pressed flower pictures. Or any type of botanical art would be great. So if you have something that you think would go well in our store, please contact us! You can reach us at sageanddaisy (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.