Friday, July 18, 2008

Back to the basics

During our recent move, I discovered lots of crafty supplies I forgot I owned. I also rediscovered my first crafting love - Paper! I have had a long love affair with paper crafting and all related crafts - scrapbooking, collage, decoupage, rubber stamping, card making..... the list and the possibilities seem endless! My first crafty endeavor was handmade greeting cards. I loved piecing different images and scraps of textured paper to create little tiny artworks.

With the move, the recent passing of David's father, and just general busy-ness, I have not spent as much time creating as I would like. So I am giving myself a challenge for August. But, you say, it is only July 18. Yes, I know. I love starting new projects on the first day of the month. Makes it fresh, new, and exciting for me. The set time frame also gives me a sense of accountability.

Anyway, here's my self-imposed challenge: Create 1 paper-related project per day, and post it here. It can be anything, a collage, a card. Whatever I choose that day. I think this challenge will also help me commit more to this blog, and get in the habit of posting daily. Plus, I am looking forward to re-aquainting myself with an old, and thought to be lost, love. Aaah, paper. How I have missed you!

Anyone want to join my August challenge?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey There!

Great challenge!
I am excited to see some of your projects!

I have decided today to choose one word for my focus for the next several weeks (some people use words like simplify, purge, create). I think I will choose the word ENJOY.

I plan on implementing this word into all that I do. That's my challenge!

best to you, dear!
Miss ya!

Sylvia C.