Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sewing Sunday

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Sage and Daisy opens at 3:00 on Sundays, so I have the entire morning to work on "fun" stuff. Today I am making a fresh batch of eye pillows, with new scents added to the mix! I am also creating some fun tote bags. Pictures to come soon.

What are you doing on this beautiful Sunday?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Back to the basics

During our recent move, I discovered lots of crafty supplies I forgot I owned. I also rediscovered my first crafting love - Paper! I have had a long love affair with paper crafting and all related crafts - scrapbooking, collage, decoupage, rubber stamping, card making..... the list and the possibilities seem endless! My first crafty endeavor was handmade greeting cards. I loved piecing different images and scraps of textured paper to create little tiny artworks.

With the move, the recent passing of David's father, and just general busy-ness, I have not spent as much time creating as I would like. So I am giving myself a challenge for August. But, you say, it is only July 18. Yes, I know. I love starting new projects on the first day of the month. Makes it fresh, new, and exciting for me. The set time frame also gives me a sense of accountability.

Anyway, here's my self-imposed challenge: Create 1 paper-related project per day, and post it here. It can be anything, a collage, a card. Whatever I choose that day. I think this challenge will also help me commit more to this blog, and get in the habit of posting daily. Plus, I am looking forward to re-aquainting myself with an old, and thought to be lost, love. Aaah, paper. How I have missed you!

Anyone want to join my August challenge?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Soaps

It's definitely summer! Barbecue, gardening, baseball games, picnics, ouotdoor concerts, and theme parks are no doubt on your family's to do list. But along with these activities comes summertime biting bugs, poison ivy, and sweaty bodies. The Sage and Daisy team has been hard at work on great-for-your-skin products to make summer a little more comfortable, so you can enjoy the longer days and sunshine!

Did you know that Mother Nature provides one of the best poison ivy and poison oak solutions? The leaves and the juice from the stem of Jewelweed are used by herbalists to cure poison ivy and other plant induced rashes, as well as many other types of dermatitis. Jewelweed works by counter-reacting with the chemicals in other plants that cause irritation. Don't be without our Jewelweed soap this summer! Keep a few extra in the medicine cabinet, just in case.

Also try our Bug Away Soaps and Spray. Lemon Eucalyptus, along with a blend of other essential oils, is the key ingredient in this super summer skin saver. (say that 10 times fast! :)

Stop in soon to check out the entire line of Sage and Daisy summer skin savers! We will have a pitcher of iced tea waiting for you!